Countyfairgrounds Show Promoters
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Show Promoters or Event Log-in
Log-in here to enter or update an event if you are priorly registered.
Okay - If you have forgotten your USERNAME please send me an E-Mail to
Okay - If you have forgotten your PASSWORD, but know your username - go here and simply change it!
Change Password
Vendor's Database
NOTE: this link shows you our
Vendors Application Database.
Its free for the vendors to find information to do your events.
Please, please help us, help you and the vendors by listing your vendors information on our input form, for your event, after you register or log-in.
Pre-Event Podcasting
In our site menu is a link call podcasting . I do pre-event podcasting - of County Fairs and/or County Fairground events , Festivals, BBQ events and State Fairs and/or
State Fairgrounds Events , --I also do podcasting interviews of Entertainers, Vendors, Rodeos and PBR, Monster Trucks Carnivals and Demo Derbys.
Our podcasting takes approximately twenty minutes - and its a phone call that is recorded and then downloaded and then edited. If you have any interest in this
- check our menu under podcasting for the proper venue link and contact me.
These interviews can be downloaded - as a mp3 file for your use also. There is NO charge for this. Also I now have the capability to do
an interview with more than one person on the line if you would like.