Countyfairgrounds USA Carnivals

Are you a Carnival? Looking for Bookings?

This page is for listing services for Carnivals. that want to get booked.
When listed the listings appear automatically on Hire a Carnival

You can register to get listed here just   Register

- Forgotten your username - ? send me an E-Mail
Please make a subject: Forgotten Username Carnival
If you have your username but forgot your password go to the Login Carnivals and put in your username and reset your password.

Carnival Interviews

- April 2022 - I am looking for carnivals to interview. These interviews take about 20 minutes give or take.

How it works is you send me an email saying you would like to be interviewed. I will need pix (jpg and or png files) to post with the interview. These interviews are edited and usually I wrap music around them at the beginning and end. They get posted on our Facebook Group page, YouTube, and our blog, and lots of various feeds and places on the internet.
- Send me an email: Carnival Interview Request
and in the subject line put podcast interview request