Countyfairgrounds USA Entertainers
Countyfairgrounds USA Entertainers

Why Post on our Website?

Countyfairgrounds, USA is about 16 years old. First your listing is free. We are at the top of the search engines for various states, every year our traffic increases by about a third of the previous year. Everyday I get hits and traffic on the pages on which the entertainers are listed. Promoters come here to look for entertainers to book. All you have to do is list, and preferably with a picture.

Are you a Entertainer? Looking for Bookings?

Register to post info about what you do. Register
The info goes into our database and is available for promoters on Entertainers for Hire

  If you have trouble loading a picture (image) or do not know how, for heavens sake ask me. E-Mail. .. and put in the subject line .....Entertainer Pic Upload Issue

    You are required to maintain at least one good working url with this listing, (it can be a Website, or a Facebook url). If you do not maintain one I will remove the listing. This database is constantly being checked for bad links. The reason is simple - How would you like to be a promoter trying to fill a show with entertainers and the links on these listings are bad?
Registered User Info

Registered Users Log-in Here! Registered Users Login Here!

Registered Forgot Password
- if you are registered already go to the Login Page and RESET your password.

OR - if you have forgotten your Username, send me an E-Mail ... and please put in the subject line Entertainer Forgot Username

Countyfairgrounds Entertainers

Entertainer's Podcast Interviews

Entertainer's Interviews

- I am constantly looking for lively, entertaining entertainers to interview. They are posted on They are also posted on various podcasting feeds around the web. Of particular interest are ones of a country persuasion. (country acts, bluegrass, country musicians, singers). However, I love to interview all kinds of entertainers. These interviews take about 20 minutes give or take. I need an appointment phone time with you. I am on Denver time. How it works is you send me an email requesting one. I will need pix (jpg, gif or png files) to post with the interview. These interviews are edited and usually I wrap music around them at the beginning and end and sometimes throughout - I can of course use your music file. They get posted on our Facebook Fan page, and our blog, iTunes and the state page you live in. AS well as a heck of a lot of other places online! Send me an email: with the subject line "Entertainer's Podcast Interview Request"